What is the Five Star Academy?

Five Star Academy is an online certification platform operated by the Five Star Institute.

How do I Register?

Click Register in the top right-hand corner of the Home page.

Enter your details (all fields must be completed), We recommend you use your email address as your username.

Click Complete Signup. You will receive an email to confirm your account creation.
Click the link in the email to activate and access your account.

What happens if I want to sign up multiple students to the same course?

If you buy multiples of the same course (for distribution to different students), our admin department will contact you with separate codes so that your students can sign up to the same course.

My company has pre-purchased a course and given me a code. How do I access the course?

Add the course to your basket as normal. Enter the code you received in the Coupon Code field and click Apply Coupon. You will then have access to the course.

How do the classes work?

Our classes are online, and you can sign on from any computer with Internet access. All of our classes are self-paced.

How do I log in to my course?

Click Login in the top right-hand corner of the Home page.

Enter your username and password. (You may click Remember Me to save your username and password). Click Log In.

Navigate to your username in the top right-hand corner of the page and select CoursesMy Courses from the drop-down menu. The courses for which you have been registered will appear in a list. Click the name of the course you wish to open.

How do I complete a course?

Each program is composed of a series of courses. You complete a program by completing each course in the program, identifiable by the description after the course name, e.g. (Program LPP) after the name of the course indicates that this course is part of the Legal Practice Program. Courses are completed in reverse order, so start at the bottom of the list.

When you have completed the quiz for the final course in the program, click Print Certificate to receive your program certification.

What if my questions aren’t answered in the FAQ?

Please email us at concierge@TheFiveStar.com or call us at 214.525.6700.